Onward (8/8N 1/8H LoU) is an M+ and Raid focused guild. We are Currently Recruiting for our Raid Team. We are looking for additional DPS and a flex Healer/DPS.
Onward has been an AOTC guild since the first season in Shadowlands with Mythic Raid progression. Our Raid nights are Tuesday and Thursday from 7PM-10PM EST. Our focus is to continue building our Raid Team while working towards AOTC for each season in TWW with the potential for Mythic Raid progression.
Alts are encouraged and welcomed into our Guild. We typically run M+ keys throughout the week to promote player progression.
If you are interested in joining Onward, please contact the following:
Guild Master: MidnightGrn#1658 (btag) or MidnightGreen#7580 (disc)
Raid Lead: Gilgamesh#13189 (btag) or Gilgamesh_AK (disc)
Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/JafVYG3BuZ
Guild Master: MidnightGrn#1658 (btag) or MidnightGreen#7580 (disc)
Onward plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 ore.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mar | 23:00 | 3 ore |
Gio | 23:00 | 3 ore |
Onward is recruiting!
Raid, Dungeon, PvP, Social
What activities is Onward recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Onward?