Backstory: We are a semi-new guild with a lot of members from a previous guild merging to GO NEXT, we always have been a tight group of friends from different backgrounds, and different nationalities with a lot of representation from Sweden! We have a lot of CE experience with some HoF experience. M+: We are looking for more people for pushing keys! All of our Raiders also do keys weekly. Whether you want to join to just do your weekly keys or want to push for higher RIO - you are welcome! If you are interested in m+ content and want competent teammates on Discord while laughing, look no further.
Raiding Goals: As we have not yet hit CE with our current guild, our team is hungry for it, especially because a majority already have some CE’s under their belt. Which is why we are aiming to achieve this for this tier. Current Raiding Times (SERVER TIME): Wednesday - 19:30 - 22.30 Sunday - 19:30 - 22.30 The raid times are between 2.5h & 3h depending on the mood and the progression! Additional optional days may be scheduled depending on the hunger on killing a boss, we all know logging off on 1% makes your hands itch for the kill.
Social: We have a bunch of people on Discord daily. We play for fun and a laugh, but we are also dedicated players. We are very keen on doing things together and achieving stuff as a team and as a group of friends. The guild wants to create a community of friends, friends that remain in contact even after departing from our guild.
WE ARE LOOKING FOR: Dedicated players that can have banter while pushing themselves to progress in all content. We look for all kinds of people, from very dedicated raiders, to socials running transmog runs and everything in between. We are mainly looking for people of the age of 18 and over, sorry young ins. We have got people all over Europe, so all English-speaking chaps are welcome! All you need is a sense of humour and discord. If it sounds like your cup of tea, join our discord and then contact one of our Officers (info below).
Check us out on:
Kapiteinmurdoc on discord
Go next plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 ore.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mer | 18:30 | 3 ore |
Dom | 18:30 | 3 ore |
This data is based on Go next's recent reports.
Go next is recruiting!
Raid, Dungeon, Social
What activities is Go next recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Go next?