The finest and friendliest raiders of Azeroth.
Always on the lookout for new raiders, regardless of experience!
We don't ask much but we expect a little bit of effort to prepare for raiding. This includes; enchants, consumables, knowledge of your class, and a good attitude!
Add Jaramahr #2789 or Krahft #2748 on BattleNet if you have any questions!
The Treehouse plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 ore.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mar | 21:00 | 3 ore |
Mer | 21:00 | 3 ore |
This data is based on The Treehouse's recent reports.
The Treehouse is not recruiting at this time.
Raid, Dungeon, PvP, Social
What activities is The Treehouse recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in The Treehouse?