Intro to VALOR Blue
VALOR Blue is VALOR's Cutting Edge focused raid team aiming for high realm, region and world rankings. VALOR Blue is a team that is built around players with high levels of game and class knowledge.
Expectations for VALOR Blue
Being part of VALOR Blue, whether it be as part of the raid team or part of the officer/management team, requires a great time commitment. We expect our raiders to keep current with their gear and their class changes throughout the expansion. Players are to review fights and understand how mechanics work in their full capacity. Raid logs will be scrutinized weekly by the raid leaders as well as our data analyst to identify areas of improvement which will be communicated to any and all players. Players are expected to keep a cool head during tense times of progression while pushing for rankings. Certain classes may be asked to sit out in place of someone on the bench that has a class that benefits the raid team more during a certain fight. Players who were sat early will have priority during re-clears to ensure full kill credit for all raid members.
Requirements for VALOR Blue
-Attendance - Show up 10 minutes prior to raid start to ensure all updates are completed and you are ready at 8:30 EST. Multiple instances of being late will result in replacement.
-Maintenance - M+ is required as long as there are updates outside of the raid. Come to raid ready. We will do audits to ensure gear is correctly enchanted and/or gemmed. We provide cauldrons(when available), feasts, and vantus runes.
-Maintaining performance is paramount in progression, if there are instances where your performance continually declines, you will be subject for replacement.
-Attitude - For the sake of progression, be able to accept criticism and have a drive to improve. We do not tolerate any harassment or toxic behavior on the team. We spend a lot of time together so remember to be a team player. We are all friends.
If you are interested in applying, please go to
Contacts: Fel - BNET: Exarch#11302 - Discord: @felthetank
VALOR Blue plays 2 times per week for a total of 6h 20m.
Day | Start | Duration |
Gio | 00:20 | 3h 10m |
Ven | 00:20 | 3h 10m |
This data is based on VALOR Blue's recent reports.
VALOR Blue is recruiting!
What activities is VALOR Blue recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in VALOR Blue?