Guild & Server: Mythic Short Bus - Hyjal
Raid Times/Days: Wednesday/Thursday 7:30PM-10:30PM PST(10:30PM-1:30AM EST)
Current Progression: 8/8 Heroic NP
Recruitment Contacts: NightJbird#1425 or Birtie#1328
Requirements: Looking for people who like to group with and help others to down content like raid bosses and Mythic+, take constructive criticism well, and able to take wide range of banter.
Needs: We need at least 1 Tank, 1-2 Healers, and any DPS. We are not picky open to all roles.
NightJbird#1425 or Birtie#1328
Mythic Short Bus plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 ore.
Day | Start | Duration |
Gio | 02:30 | 3 ore |
Ven | 02:30 | 3 ore |
Mythic Short Bus is recruiting!
Raid, Dungeon, PvP
What activities is Mythic Short Bus recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Mythic Short Bus?