Resolution (EU – Turalyon/Doomhammer) is currently recruiting for raiding progression and Mythic+.
New, returning and social, active players are more than welcome.
We are a friendly, helpful, and mature guild with an emphasis on having a good time but drive to be successful at what we do in a no pressure, relaxed, and supportive environment.
Our goal is AOTC progression, KSM, and Achievements.
Raid schedule is Sunday 8pm - 11pm & Thursday 8pm - 11pm server time EU.
What we do: ⦁ Mythic+ ⦁ Casual Raids With Progressing ⦁ PvP (Sometimes we do world PvP, but we are more focused on PvE) ⦁ Old content (Transmog runs, old dungeons for achievements etc) ⦁ Socialize (We plan to run guild events with prizes, different community events etc) ⦁ Adult humour!
Requirements: ⦁ Be an mature adult (18+) ⦁ Have fun while playing ⦁ Be friendly ⦁ Active player
Discord DM: Ze#9305 and Discord DM: Cortere#1188
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Resolution is recruiting!
Raid, Dungeon, Social, PvP
What activities is Resolution recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Resolution?