We're a Semi-hardcore raiding guild with a focus on the social aspect. We raid Heroic and Mythic, depeding on where in the season we are, and on number of and gear of the raiders. We have been around since early 8.3, with the same style and focus in raid, although breaks from the game (who played in SL s2?) took it's toll, we are stronger than ever.
We raid 2 times a week:
Invites start 10 minutes before so we can start with the first pull at 20:00 on time.
Guild leader: (bnet) Kavri#2756. (discord) kasper.f Officer: (bnet) nee#21549 (discord) neeem.
Leftovers plays 2 times per week for a total of 5 ore.
Day | Start | Duration |
Lun | 19:00 | 2h 30m |
Mer | 19:00 | 2h 30m |
This data is based on Leftovers's recent reports.
Leftovers is recruiting!
Raid, Social
What activities is Leftovers recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Leftovers?