Solid lads is a guild that got formed through multiple organized runs back in Castle Nathria and gradually likeminded individuals joined our ranks. There is no closed off core of members (with time a core has formed, however the treatment part remains the same) that are treated differently as every single member of the raid team was once a trial that did not know anyone or knew a maximum of two other members. With each tier the team has improved and will continue to do so without treating people as just a number. The guild environment is mature without verbal abusement, racism or homophobia, however often there is banter talk on reclears/breaks to lighten up the mood. During prog time, the serious socks are rolled up. All the warcraft logs are public as we do not have players griefing the prog for logs or fear attempts of poaching due to the enjoyable raid environment that is a rare phenomenon at this day and age. Every raid night is streamed at which helps a lot on prog nights to showcase a video to an explanation.
Wednesday, Sunday, Tuesday 20:00-23:00 server time. Invites start at 19:45 and we take a 10 minute break around 21:20-21:30. As of 10.0 (Nerub-ar Palace) we are raiding 1 extra night the opening of mythic week to fit in split runs with 1 alt of the same role (Thursday). Shadowlands we were a 2 day raiding guild and we transitioned into 3 day raiding during Sepulcher of the First Ones as the guild went into more semi-hardcore mentality.
The goal of the guild is to achieve CE each raid tier while focusing on raid environment and enjoyment of the game (as HoF was reached on 9 hour per week raid schedule, it is becoming a desired baseline without adding more raid time). Open communication is important and constructive feedback is always welcomed. Exchanging information and experience is key in progress and that is only possible in a healthy relation of raid members, thus this is one of our highest priorities.
Looking for people who have superb knowledge of their class (by having recent Cutting edges to showcase), a positive mentality and most improtantly responsibility for their mistakes. We like to resolve issues before they escalate mid raid an explode into drama. Above 95% raid attendance as we try to keep a roster of around 25 players for start of prog and we do NOT recruit during prog unless necessary. Weekly organized alt runs/boosts during our mythic raids as well for passive gold income for our raiders. Feasts, cauldrons, kits, vantus runes are provided by the guild bank. BoEs and personal mounts (last boss) are kept to members to do as they wish.
We ask only 5 questions so its a quicky - or add "Mastirias" on Discord.
Discord: Mastirias
Solid Lads plays 3 times per week for a total of 9 ore.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mar | 19:00 | 3 ore |
Mer | 19:00 | 3 ore |
Dom | 19:00 | 3 ore |
Caricamento Dati...
Solid Lads is not recruiting at this time.
Raid, Dungeon
What activities is Solid Lads recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Solid Lads?