We are looking to add to our roster. OX is a hybrid guild that tries to keep a fun casual atmosphere while still having a serious progression raid team. Our guild was created early in the WotLK expansion and some of us have even been playing together since our server went live back in BC. We have an open door policy for anyone looking for a home yet strive to keep our raid unit a competitive one. In the last seven expansions we have cleared nearly all raid content on both heroic and mythic modes while being among the top guilds on our server to finish each time (including numerous realm first kills). We look to continue with our momentum and remain a solid raiding team going forward. We also welcome casual players, or people who enjoy playing other games together. Many of our members play LoL, SC2, Diablo, Fortnite, PUBG, Valorant, Apex Legends, Minecraft, Helldivers, etc. together as well.
War Within Recruitment!!!
We are currently opening up our raid recruitment to players interested in War Within Mythic raiding. We have a long history of successful raiding and have past experience organizing and leading 20-man Mythic content. If you are interested in progression raiding in War Within and seeing all of the content that it has to offer then you should definitely get in touch with us. We already have a solid core but there is always room to add some new players to round out the team… as always the more the merrier when it comes to progressing deep into a raid tier.
Below is a list of our most recent progression, schedule, and raid team needs:
Recent Progression: 4/8 Mythic Nerub-Ar Palace
Raid Times (Subject to change):
Mythic Group 1: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 8:00-10:30pm (Central Time).
Classes that we are actively recruiting are as follows: Priority Needs
Monk - MW or WW
Open to All as Raids have not released yet and we are still having people decide on classes.
Just because we aren’t actively recruiting your class or spec does not mean that you should not apply as we are always looking for quality players/people. Our raid unit is a competitive one so if you outperform someone else in a specific role you can earn that raid spot. Our philosophy is that you can fix gear but not awareness/attitude so if you feel that you are a skilled and raid aware player but just lacking in the gear department I would still encourage you to apply. If you would like to see how you would compare to our current members the majority of our raids are logged and up on the Warcraft Logs website.
If you are interested or would like more information please feel free to contact either Fallenembers-Hydraxis or myself (Raiden#1883) in game or on our website at: www.outofexile.guildlaunch.com
Interested in joining our guild? Please feel free to contact either Brewco-Hydraxis, Fallenembers-Hydraxis or myself (Raiden#1883) in game or on our website at: www.outofexile.guildlaunch.com
Out of Exile plays 3 times per week for a total of 8h 15m.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mer | 01:00 | 2h 45m |
Gio | 01:00 | 2h 45m |
Ven | 01:00 | 2h 45m |
This data is based on Out of Exile's recent reports.
Out of Exile is recruiting!
Raid, Dungeon, Social
What activities is Out of Exile recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Out of Exile?