[H][US][Silvemoon] Has your guild disbanded and you're looking for a new home to take on the Sepulcher of the First Ones? No Light Before Coffee is recruiting for our casual raiding guild. We start off on normal and then work our way through heroic until AOTC. We have been getting AOTCs consistently since Legion's Nighthold. Our priority is to have fun raiding, and thus we do not venture into mythic. We are a close-knit community with an active Discord. When we aren't raiding we do keystones, Torghast runs, achievement/tmog runs, or even play other games. Connected realms: Silvermoon, Borean Tundra, Drak'thul, Hydraxis, Mok'Nathal, Shadowsong, Skywall, and Terenas We raid Thursdays 5:00pst-7:00 PST (8:00-10:00 EST), and Sundays 3:30-6pm PST. (6:30-9:00 EST). Raid days can change depending on everyone's schedule - we like to make sure everyone can make it. We mostly need DPS for raid, but backup tanks/healers can't hurt. Feel free to message me on discord Isaria#3619 or add me to bnet Isaria#1308
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No Light Before Coffee plays 2 times per week for a total of 4h 30m.
Day | Start | Duration |
Ven | 00:00 | 2 ore |
Dom | 22:30 | 2h 30m |
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Caricamento Dati...
No Light Before Coffee is recruiting!
Raid, Dungeon, Social
What activities is No Light Before Coffee recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in No Light Before Coffee?