is the superior choice for your next raid environment. We enjoy raiding frequently, either current progression or going back to the older stuff just to have fun. When we're not raiding, we hang out in the Discord or pal around in dungeons. Here's some more information about our guild and what we have to offer potential raiders:
Our raid teams are Swipe Left
and New Students
. During trial periods, we ask that trials make themselves available to their specific raid team. Raiding schedules are posted on the website.
Trial length is determined by reclear content versus extended progression. Typically, a trial period can last 1-2 weeks, totaling 2-4 raids nights. However, during extended progression, trial periods are much shorter. You will be contacted by the raid leader or a team officer whether you passed trial.
We require every raider, even on optional nights, to have the knowledge required to both perform in their class and execute mechanics properly. We understand people make mistakes, but we do not tolerate repeated failure. We expect our mythic raiders to have extensive knowledge of the current tier and have suitable character alternatives if their class is performing sub-optimally.
Before joining us, you should be familiar with these required add-ons:
What about if I'm not raiding? The guild has a rank, Keystone Dream Squad, for members who prefer dungeon content over raid. These members have the same daily perks as raiders! Check out our website for current RIO requirements, perks, and events!
What are your next steps? If you're interested in joining the guild, head on over to and fill out a short application.
Discord: captain5harkey
MYTHICC plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 ore.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mer | 00:00 | 3 ore |
Dom | 01:00 | 3 ore |
This data is based on MYTHICC's recent reports.
MYTHICC is not recruiting at this time.
Raid, Social, Dungeon
What activities is MYTHICC recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in MYTHICC?