Born to be Looney (BTBL) is two-day AOTC guild/group looking to continue improving our roster and push into Mythic Raid progress. We are looking for anyone who enjoys playing in their role, but is looking for raid progress over an entire season. As TWW is fast approaching we are looking to secure folks to regularly do content with us. We are 9/9H on all Awakened raids with AOTC for all tiers. We would like to field enough players to push into Mythic Progression as far as possible each season.
What the guild brings to the table:
Central to our guild is a close group of close players and friends, some have been playing Warcraft for over a decade. Several of us since the original WoW was released.
We provide feedback and gameplay analysis to anyone interested in improving, and believe that ANYONE has room to improve.
We want the season's content to last us more than a few weeks, we push for AOTC early in the season and would like to push into Mythic Raid with CE being the goal by the end of the season.
What we want you to bring to the table:
Schedule: Tues & Wed 7:50p invite, 8:00-10:30p EST
Even if you are new to raiding, an old grizzled veterans from Vanilla, you were not prepared for Illidan, climbed Icecrown, danced on the back of Deathwing, are still grinding the Timeless Isle, stood toe to toe with Sargeras, looked N'Zoth in the eye, or are intrigued by the Dragon Isles; We welcome you.
If you are interested in joining please feel free to contact Seriana-Bloodhoof, or Kalyis-Bloodhoof (NotBob#1588) in-game for more information.
Focused and Fun, want to have a friendly environment, or want a shorter raid schedule then Born to be Looney may be a good match.
Also, struggling Heroic guilds out there... If you're struggling to make raid happen... We have enough flexibility to raid with Heals, tanks, and some DPS but can make accommodations for your team to play with. If interested in merging together to raid reach out to Seriana-Bloodhoof, or Kalyis-Bloodhoof (NotBob#1588)too see how our guilds may work together.
Updated: 6/25/24 Notbob#1588 or Discord: SerianaKalyis
Immortalis plays 2 times per week for a total of 5 ore.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mar | 23:30 | 2h 30m |
Mer | 23:30 | 2h 30m |
Immortalis is recruiting!
Raid, Dungeon
What activities is Immortalis recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Immortalis?