Late Late Raiders is an English speaking heroic raiding guild originally founded at the end of WoD by RL Friends. Our goal is to complete Heroic tier within each patch cycle (Ahead of the Curve). After curve we progress casually onto Mythic with cross-realm opening. We are looking for people who have similar goals to us, who would like to raid but not have the grind/burnout of mythic raiding, who prefer to raid later in the evening. The Guild is on The Maelstrom Server (and connected realms). All are welcome to join the guild or community.
In-Game Community Code: MmobXvS7eX
Raid invites are through the in-game Community Calendar via sign-ups Raid times (Server-times)
Wednesday(Progress): 23:00-1.30 Saturday (Alt/ Fun Run): 22:00-12.30 Monday(Heroic): 23:00-1.30
Contact information hasn't been set
Late Late Raiders plays 3 times per week for a total of 7h 30m.
Day | Start | Duration |
Lun | 22:00 | 2h 30m |
Mer | 22:00 | 2h 30m |
Sab | 21:00 | 2h 30m |
Late Late Raiders is recruiting!
What activities is Late Late Raiders recruiting for?
Not Set
What is the primary language used in Late Late Raiders?