Building CE Raiding team. We reached 4/8M in Season 1 and we are 8/8N and 5/8H in Season 2. We went from a community driven group of like minded individuals, forming this guild to push ourselves on the hardest content. Ranged DPS is priority for recruitment with raid times starting at 8 EST to 11 EST Tue/Sun. If interested plz add Khory#1124 for more info or to set up a trial.
We also run multiple mythic plus teams many in the guild over 2k rating and pushing 8-10 keys with the goal to push 3k .
BNet Khory#1124
The Militia plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 ore.
Day | Start | Duration |
Lun | 00:00 | 3 ore |
Mer | 00:00 | 3 ore |
The Militia is recruiting!
Raid, Dungeon
What activities is The Militia recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in The Militia?