Hi there!
Welcome to the Thralls Angels Warcraft Logs page. How you've stumbled upon this page is a mystery in itself. But since you're here, let me give you the run down.
We are an independent, casual progression raiding guild on US-Mafurion/Trollbane (now including Lothar, Grizzly Hills, Moonrunner, Kael'thas, Gnomeregan, and Ghostlands). We've been around since 2010 and consistently manage to get AoTC achievements and mounts each tier. The independent part come with most of our guildies being incredibly self-sufficient. While we are all up for helping each other out, most of us are comfortable fending for ourselves.
Due to Mythic+s being exceptionally viable for gear this expansion, we're always looking for more people who are willing and capable of running them. We do run a wide range of Mythic Pluses and have members capable and interested in pushing higher keys. That said we are in desperate need of healers, and some tanks, for all levels of keys.
Looking for more raiders for:
(The Firing Squad) Tuesday and Sunday 8p - 11p EST
(Coven of Chaos) Tuesday and Monday 8p - 11p EST
(Boom Meatball) Wednesday and Thursday 9p - 11:30p EST
Raider must be prepared to die to whatever swap-blaster may be aimed in their direction. We use Blizzard's personal loot method to ensure everyone gets a shot at getting items.
We are always working towards offering other various guild activities such as PvP, achievement runs, mog runs, and more.
Disclaimer: I won't pretend like we're some amazingly open and social guild, because to be honest with you, we're not. Like I said we're a very independent guild. We do what we want, when we want, and with whomever we want. I like to think as the GM I'm pretty laid back, but if you ever end up doing anything that pisses me off or annoys me, I won't hesitate to kick you.
Anyways, if you've actually stuck it out to reading this far, let me congratulate you just for that effort alone. If you find yourself looking for more info, although I've already laid the guild out pretty bare, or an invite to the guild feel free to add me directly at the contact info below.
Happy gaming!
Discord: ninjenn & Btag: Zarcistia#1742
Thralls Angels plays 2 times per week for a total of 5 ore.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mer | 02:00 | 2h 30m |
Gio | 02:00 | 2h 30m |
Thralls Angels is recruiting!
What activities is Thralls Angels recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Thralls Angels?